Shift Your Mindset

In The Devil Wears Prada, Andie is failing at her job at a fashion magazine, and it is no surprise because Andie disdained fashion—its importance, and the people who worked in the industry. Moreover, she did not have a poker face on her feelings. While most lawyers don't disdain the law—their mindset hampers them anyway. Many do not see their own value. They doubt their abilities to climb the career ladder or to build a book of business.
Your mindset is your beliefs, values, and attitudes about yourself and the world around you. These beliefs shape how you experience the world: Is life happening to you, or is it happening for you? Do you feel your life is within your control or destined to be a certain way? Do you believe that you can grow, or are you content to stay stuck in you in your comfort zone? Different mindsets, such as being an optimist, are formed based on our experiences.
To be successful, you must know and accept that mindsets can be changed. Here are a few tips for doing it.
Tip 1: Know Your Current Mindset and Accept You Have to Change
Mindset can impact how we show up. Many of us have had goals we did not attain, or our results fell short of our expectations. When this happens, many of us think about what we do differently, but rarely do we examine our mindset. You should, in your review, include your mindset. Did you think you could get the client? Or did you go into thinking—I will never land this business? If your attitude is negative, acknowledge it and accept that it will need to change for you to succeed.
Tip 2: Reframe those Negative Thoughts
Once you identify those negative thoughts, you must reframe them and re-wire your brain. For example, have a reframe you will use for these negative thoughts. For instance, if your view is I can't tackle this project because I will fail may be reframed to, I can succeed at this project, and I will have exponential growth along the way. Some of my clients have their reframes as mantras which they place on their computers so they are throughout the day re-wiring their minds.
Some people have thoughts that rationalize why they don't move forward. For example, if you keep putting off reaching out to a target because the voices say that the target isn't interested in you and was only being polite when they spoke to you, you switch that to I am excited about building a new relationship and perhaps new business. Some people use the voice to trigger action. They know that the voice is preventing growth. So as soon as they hear the voice, they reach out to the potential client.
Tip 3: Know Your Why
It is challenging to create mind shifts that have been concreted in your why. Understanding what it will mean to you, and your career life can fortify you to keep taking the steps necessary to change that mindset. High achievers are notorious for beating themselves up when they have a setback and often stop trying to create mind shifts. It is also helpful to take baby steps and celebrate each win. Also, appreciate that you may not always be perfect, and that is okay.
If you focus on modifying your mindset and give yourself grace in the process, you can shift the mind shifts that are holding you back.
Remember, if you do, everyone will want to be like you.
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