Intentionality is a Power Move

Sheila Murphy
September 23, 2024

In the 1980s TV show Family Ties,  Michael J. Fox plays Alex Keaton, a high schooler focused on a business career. He is intentional as to how he represents himself and what he does. While not the route I would necessarily promote for a teenager - many attorneys could benefit by being more intentional in their careers. Why?

By not being intentional—we often focus on the wrong things and spend our valuable time on things that do not bring us closer to the careers and lives we want.

Here are my tips on how to get more intentional:

Step 1 - Vision Of The Future You Want

Before becoming intentional with your career and life, you need to understand what you want. And by you, I mean you—not your partners, peers, or family. Spend some time writing down what you want out of your career and life in the next 3, 5, or 10 years. Do not just list titles. Think about the type of work you would like to be doing, what the company culture would look like, and what you want your life outside of work to look like. 

Take your time as you go through this exercise. Think about each position you have had and what you loved and hated about the role. Consider people you know, their roles, and what you think is exciting or awful about each of them. Some of my clients want to be General Counsel, and others want to work part-time and spend time on artistic endeavors. The what you want doesn’t matter other than it is meaningful to you. You need to know what you are aiming for to figure out what to do to get there. 

Here’s another big takeaway when you do this, you may not have a clear answer --- you may have a couple of options in front of you. If this is the case, use Step 2 to learn about what you need to do to create a course of action and learn more about specific paths to gain clarity about your next step.

Step 2 - Research the Dream

Once you have an idea of where you want to go, begin by talking to others who have accomplished or had similar dreams. Write down everything they say about what they did, what worked, and what didn’t. Ask about their timing and what they would change if they had to do it all over again. As you have these conversations, you will see trends and common themes develop. These themes will help you with the next step, which focuses on plan creation and execution. 

Step 3 - Create an Action Plan and Accountability

Writing down your action plan is critical. By doing this, you will be able to develop a detailed plan to create the career and life you want. People who write down their goals with plans are 10X more successful. It is an investment of time but will pay for itself repeatedly because you will only re-invent the wheel if you have a few minutes. Also, when you don’t have a plan, you often chase the newest, shiniest bright object rather than focus on the things that matter. 

For your plan to be successful, you must also build accountability. You can set calendar dates to assess your effectiveness or meet with an accountability partner, mentor, or coach.   

My clients, who are the most intentional in approaching their careers, are also the most successful. Moreover, they are the most likely to have time to enjoy the lives they have created because they focus on what matters.


Want to learn more about how to become the in-house leader you are meant to be?

Check out Sheila's 10 Tips for In-House Counsel Struggling to Advance.

In this guide, Sheila shares her time-tested tips for in-house counsel to release fear, jump-start your career, and propel towards promotion.

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